Anne Bosanac is one of the premier public affairs strategists in California. She serves as Co-Founder of Emissary Relations, LLC, a public affairs firm that works with major corporations, foundations, institutions, nonprofits and individual donors to promote causes and ideas.
Anne is considered a trusted advisor and ultimate connector to political campaigns, nonprofits, major donors and companies across the country. She specializes in strategic finance plans for established and startup nonprofits and political campaigns. Anne has a unique ability to connect the right people to help their cause or organization flourish.
Prior to co-founding Emissary Relations, Anne served as the Director of the California Republican Party's state-wide donor program. Anne was also part of the Development team at the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research in New York City, where she was responsible for maintaining and expanding donor relationships with individuals and foundations for the Institute.
Anne is beyond proud to be from the great state of New Jersey, where she began her career as a political intern for Congressman Vito Fossella, 13th Congressional district of New York.
Benjamin Bosanac is currently the Managing Principal at Emissary Relations, LLC a public affairs firm that works with major corporations, foundations, institutions, nonprofits and individual donors to promote causes and ideas.
Benjamin also works with membership organizations to recruit and showcase leaders, prominent thinkers, and innovators in the areas of culture, education, free markets, government, media, national security and public policy. By supplying notable speakers, membership organizations are able to present an engaging message to forward thinking entrepreneurs, future oriented business executives and vibrant personalities who want to evoke change.
Benjamin worked for the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research in their Center for Policing Terrorism, while assisting the development and communications divisions with research analysis. Benjamin also worked for NewsCorp at the New York Post on its Editorial and Opinion Page.
Benjamin is a San Diego native and graduate of Brandeis University.